HelaWeen: A Month Of THOR: RAGNAROK Coverage Begins Today

Meet Spence, the BMD Intern.

Welcome to the first day of HelaWeen! This month, Marvel’s promised to deliver one new piece of Thor: Ragnarok content per day. In response, BMD hired an intern named Spence.

Discovered by our own Phil Nobile Jr., Spence is a recent graduate of Arizona State University. He loves movies, pizza, and is an all-around pretty cool guy who wants to make his way into film journalism. Way we see it, what better way to give our new intern a peek behind the film blogging curtain than by tasking him with covering every exciting promo Marvel plans on releasing this month? Follow along, snag some first looks at Thor: Ragnarok, and make sure he feels welcome in the comments…

I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait for Thor: Ragnarok because it puts Thor in a movie with the Hulk, and they fight each other like the gladiators they both are! I don’t know who would win, do you? Anyways, this new spot is pretty sweet, even if it only has a tiny bit of new footage. But by this point, you should be mad hyped, because the movie’s got Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, and my man Hemsworth just doing his Thor thing in space!

The Thor movies are my very favorite Marvel movies, because Liam Hemsworth completely owns as the central character Thor. The dude’s just go that solid build, you know? Makes me wonder how many reps he can fire off on the bench! And also he is funny, not like Superman.

Check out this badassery:

For those who don’t know, this new Thor is based on the Planet Hulk line of comics that became popular in the 1990s. I have a few, and they’re really awesome – great art that I hope they pull a bunch of footage from (kind of like how Robert Rodriguez made Sin City a pile of ownage). I’m so honored to be part of the BMD team and really can’t wait to keep bringing this stuff to you guys all month. Rock on, y’all!!

Spence is out.
