Okay We Finally Have Some Good FAST & FURIOUS News

The movie you REALLY want to see is coming sooner than expected.

It’s been a rather dramatic couple of days for us Fast and Furious fans. First we found out the next film wouldn’t hit until 2020. Then, we got to see Tyrese’s no-frills reaction to that action. We are not conflict-driven people. We just want to watch our family get along and chase submarines. Can’t everyone calm down a second?

But after all this, there is good news to share. According to The Wrap, the Hobbs/Shaw team-up movie that is probably at the heart of all this noise has a release date: July 26, 2019. Which means it’s going to come out before the next F&F movie. To make matters even better, the film will be written by F&F main man Chris Morgan.

Say what you want about breaking up the fambly - and to be honest, my heart is going in opposite directions on that score - but the Hobbs/Shaw relationship was the best thing about The Fate of the Furious, and if they want to give me a movie focusing just on that (hopefully with a cameo here or there), I am not going to argue. I want to see this. And the fact that I get to see it in 2019 makes the wait for 2020 a lot easier to endure.

What do you think? Is rooting for this movie a form of “cheating” against the fambly? Or is it cool if we all just drink a Corona and have a good time?
