New BRIGHT Trailer Makes A Shootout Awkward

Orc Cop got dem jokes, son.

Bright looks wild as shit. 

The second trailer for David Ayer's Alien Nation knock-off - where Will Smith plays a cop who's partnered with Joel Edgerton's wacky orc blue boy in a Los Angeles re-envisioned by that metal kid you grew up with who dropped acid and read Tolkien all the time - is here and the jury's still out. On one hand, there are swords and faeiries and Mexican gang members, sometimes all in the same frame. On the other hand, there are swords and faeiries and Mexican gang members, sometimes all in the same frame.

Take a look: 

To be fair, this actually looks like it could be a ton of fun. Ayer's injected a bunch of color into the movie, and Will Smith's dropping F-bombs, so if it becomes "Bad Boys meets Dungeons & Dragons", this writer's all in. The fact that Max Landis wrote the picture still gives me pause, but there's a enough weirdness going on to give it a fair shake.

Bright hits Netflix on December 22 (a/k/a my birthday). So I'll definitely be crunk while watching it for the first time. 
