Adam Driver Signs Up To Help The BLACK KLANSMAN

The Jordan Peele/Spike Lee joint gets itself a Sith Lord.

There are few projects in development right now that sound crazier than Black Klansman.

In case you forgotBlack Klansman is the movie co-produced by Jordan Peele and Jason Blum, and directed by Spike Lee. The movie is said to follow the exploits of Ron Stallworth (a black police officer), who responded to a recruitment ad for the Ku Klux Klan in 1978. During his sting operation, Stallworth enrolled as a member, and rose through the ranks of the KKK, sending a white cop in his place for meetings (as most of his intel was gained over the phone). This infiltration led to the investigator becoming the head of the local chapter, and sabotaging numerous hate crimes.

For those who aren't enticed by the producer/director pairing or synopsis, Black Klansman has cast Adam Driver (of a little movie called Star Wars) in a key role as an undercover Jewish detective who aids Stallworth (played by David Washington) in his quest to embarrass the KKK. Named Flip, Driver's character is described as being "the best of the Colorado Springs police force. He’s already had many years of experience and is a quick study. He is known on the force for being anti-social, and he’s a perfectionist, critical of others’ mistakes, but brave and dedicated.”

So, he sounds like a cop movie cliche, but really who cares? With all the talent involved in this picture, it's impossible not to be through the roof stoked about it. There's no targeted release date as of yet, but we'll definitely be on the lookout for any more developments. 
