Watch: Celebrate Halloween With A Little DEATH METAL

This short is very, very funny. It's also very, very NSFW. Plan accordingly.

If you're a frequent reader of the site, the name Chris McInroy is probably familiar to you: an Austin boy determined to make good (often in the most gory way possible), we've featured McInroy's work here on a number of occasions, and Birth.Movies.Death. readers have even helped him get a few of his shorts Kickstarted. 

Two years ago, for instance, you helped Kickstart McInroy's Death Metal, a deliriously over-the-top horror short that went on to play at that year's Fantastic Fest, the Fantastia Film Festival, Sitges, and London's Frightfest. It's a lot of (very NSFW) fun, and today - presumably in the spirit of Halloween - McInroy uploaded the short to Vimeo.

If you've not seen it yet, we can't imagine a better day to watch it.

If you enjoyed that, stop on by McInroy's Vimeo page and see what else he's been up to (I'm particularly fond of Bad Guy #2). And stay tuned - we're sure McInroy will be along with another blood-drenched project any day now, and we'll be sure to tell you about it when he does.
