Ben Affleck Looking For A ‘Cool Way’ To Stop Being Batman

"You don't do it forever," says Affleck.

In a new interview with USA Today, Justice League star Ben Affleck says he's definitely thinking about his future with the DCU, and is hoping to find a good note to go out on as Batman/Bruce Wayne. 

Says Affleck:

"You don't do it forever, so I want to find a graceful and cool way to segue out of it."

Maybe they'll find a way for him to do that in Matt Reeves' forthcoming Batman solo movie? Possible, but Affleck says he's "still contemplating" his involvement in that project. What that contemplation entails remains unclear (could be Affleck's contemplating a "graceful and cool" exit from the role at the end of The Batman; could be he's contemplating whether or not he wants to do it, period), but one assumes we'll be hearing more on that front soon.

In the meantime, Affleck says the world needs heroes right now, and he's certainly not wrong about that:

“We certainly are in need of heroes in 2017. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world, from natural to man-made disasters, and it’s really scary. Part of the appeal of this genre is wish fulfillment: Wouldn’t it be nice if there was somebody who can save us from all this, save us from ourselves, save us from the consequences of our actions and save us from people who are evil?”

We feel ya, Ben.

What do you folks think? Can anyone come up with a graceful and cool way for Ben Affleck to exit his role as Batman? If so, please leave it in the comments below. He might read Birth.Movies.Death. and use your idea! Wouldn't that be fun? 
