Russell Crowe Suggests MASTER AND COMMANDER Might Finally Get A Sequel

Captain Jack's ready to head back to the high seas.

Hard truth: Peter Weir's Master And Commander was a great film that simply didn't make enough money to justify a sequel (much less multiple sequels, as was the plan when 20th Century Fox picked up the rights to Patrick O'Brian's popular series). It did, however, establish a very dedicated fanbase, and every so often that fanbase will get vocal about how much they'd like to see Fox give the franchise another at-bat.

Today, Russell Crowe riled that fanbase up with some gossip:

Well, well, well. Sounds like Master And Commander fans might finally get that sequel, after all! Of course there's no way of knowing whether Crowe's intel is legit or not (for all we know, the man's trying to single-handedly will this thing into existence, Vin Diesel-style), but it's certainly better than no update about a Master And Commander sequel, right? 

What do you folks think? Seen the original? Interested in a sequel? Wish Crowe would also campaign for a Nice Guys follow-up? Are you ready to discuss Crowe's performance in The Mummy yet? Sound off in the comments below.
