Alec Baldwin Wants To Play Donald Trump On Broadway

What a nice, relaxing evening at the theater that will be.

On Monday, Alec Baldwin appeared on Howard Stern's Sirius XM show to promote his forthcoming book, You Can't Spell America Without Me, which tells the story of Donald Trump's first year in office from the point of view of ... Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump.

Such a thing sounds like a "What if?"-style prank that got way out of hand, but the book (co-written by Kurt Andersen) is a very real thing and is now in stores, just in times for the holidays. That's old news, though. The new news is that Baldwin is interested in translating that book to the stage.

That's right: a one-man Broadway show built around Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump impression. If seeing that impression in 90-second bursts on SNL struck you as insufferable, just wait until you've experienced it for ninety straight minutes (and, presumably, at full volume).

Here's Deadline's recounting of events:

“We may take the book and make it into a one-man show on Broadway,” Baldwin said, adding that the book was written with the blessing of Michaels, who controls the rights to the impersonation. “What Lorne did do is give me permission to write this book,” Baldwin said. “My rendering of (Trump) is his intellectual property.”

Baldwin added that “We’re all sick of the whole Trump as source of comedy thing, and I am too, but Kurt goes to another level.”

This writer can't imagine reading such a book, much less sitting through an entire one-man Broadway show based around it, but that doesn't mean there's not a market for it out there. Oh, well. I suppose we shouldn't be poo-poo'ing anything that helps people make it through the day. If this is up your alley, more power to ya. I'll be sitting over here in a darkened corner, drinking myself into a stupor and trying to remember a time when I found any of this amusing.
