EUPHORIA Trailer Wants You To Comfort It At The End

Grab the tissues, friends. This isn't gonna be an easy one.

Euphoria doesn't look like an easy sit, regardless of how this trailer is cut together to try and sell us on the movie being a life-affirming drama about euthanasia.

Eva Green and Alicia Vikander play sisters, one of whom discovers she's been stricken with terminal cancer. Before she passes on, the woman asks her estranged sibling to be her partner in a final quest to seek peace. Basically, it's an uplifting Saturday night at the theater.

Take a gander at the spot:

Co-starring Charlotte Rampling, Charles Dance, and Mark Stanley, Euphoria opens in Sweden on February 2, 2018. There's no word on US distribution as of yet, but with Green and Vikander in the leads (and Vikander the star of next year's Tomb Raider reboot), it'll almost certainly find a home in the States.
