Amazon’s HANNA Series Gets A Cast Worth Killing For

Joe Wright's weird 2011 action movie gets the small-screen treatment.

Joe Wright's Hanna is one of the most exciting and unusual action movies of the current era. Its story of a young girl with mysterious origins, her mercenary father, and the hyper-efficient agent hunting them down is bolstered by Wright's seemingly wilful disregard for all action-movie convention, resulting in an experimental and thrilling motion picture quite unlike any other. 

It's also heading for a series adaptation at Amazon, and it's just landed a cast. Young relative newcomer Esme Creed-Miles (Harmony Korine's Mister Lonely) will play Hanna, originated by Saoirse Ronan in the film. Joel Kinnaman will play her father (Eric Bana in the film), while his The Killing co-star Mireille Enos will step into Cate Blanchett's formidable shoes as CIA agent Marissa Wiegler. Sarah Adina Smith (Buster's Mal Heart) is set to direct the show, which will shoot across Europe starting in March, from a script from the original film's co-writer David Farr (also recently of The Night Manager).

It's unknown whether Kinnaman's commitments to Hanna will preclude him from appearing in season 2 of Altered Carbon (just as it's unknown whether a second season will even happen). But even if it does, that's unlikely to affect the show much - if at all - given the show's "resleeving" conceit, which enables roles to be recast effectively any time.

If you haven't seen Hanna, now's the time (although honestly, any time's a good time to watch Hanna). Its concept is ripe for a series adaptation, but like most such adaptations, it's totally worth seeing the visionary film that inspired it.
