He’s not done with robots yet!

Once upon a time a little book called Robopocalypse - a World War Z-esque telling of a war between humans and robots - was a project to be directed by Steven Spielberg. It’s been a long while since we heard anything on that front. Now the news is much different.

According to Variety, Michael Bay has set up Robopocalypse as one of his two next films. This means he’s getting back into the world of robots once again, despite being all done (we think?) with the Transformers series. Personally, this is not the kind of thing I want to see Bay doing. I’m tired of his crazy robot shenanigans and also think the book is super not great, so I’m pessimistic on two different fronts here.

Maybe Bay will find a more suitable film in 6 Underground, his other next film. Actually, since this one starts shooting this summer, it’s his first next film. Other than the title, and the fact that it’s written by Deadpool and Deadpool 2 writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, we don’t know much about this one. It could very well be about robots.

But if we’re really lucky, it’ll be another try on Bay’s part to mix his sensibilities with a Coen Brothers’ plot like we got with the amazing Pain and Gain. Only time will tell.
