TULLY Trailer Takes Charlize Theron From YOUNG ADULT To Motherhood

In which Diablo Cody, Jason Reitman and Charlize Theron get the band back together.

So far, the dynamic duo of Jason Reitman (director) and Diablo Cody (writer) has yielded two legitimately great films, Juno and Young Adult. Both earned awards attention (Juno won Cody an Oscar), both featured strong performances from female lead characters, and both could be considered parts in a loose thematic trilogy. If so, it appears the pair's next collaboration, Tully, will finish that unoffical trilogy off.

What's Tully? Here's an official plot synopsis:

"Marlo, a mother of three, is gifted a night nanny by her brother. Hesitant to the extravagance at first, Marlo comes to form a unique bond with the thoughtful, surprising, and sometimes challenging young nanny named Tully."

Aaaand here's the trailer:

Welp, seems like Cody and Reitman may have struck gold again. Theron looks to be on fire here (it's a low-key fire, to be sure, but at this point the telltale signs of a strong Theron performance are easily recognized), and her supporting cast - featuring Ron Livingston, Mackenzie Davis (#SanJunipero4Eva) and frequent dramedy MVP Mark Duplass - certainly have the talent to match her. Much like Juno and Young Adult before it, Tully looks raw and darkly funny and fearless in its portrayal of life's lesser moments. We're into it.

And, hey, here's some more good news: we don't have to wait much longer to see it - Tully hits theaters on April 20th. You folks gonna give it a shot or what? Sound off in the comments below, and also feel free to use this opportunity to express your enthusiasm for Jennifer's Body. This is, after all, a Diablo Cody-related post.
