Finally, Run The Jewels Makes a Music Video Starring RICK AND MORTY

Your prayers have been answered.

It's a good time to be a Rick And Morty fan.

After the show delivered an excellent third season and won its long, bitter Sezchuan Sauce War against the McDonald's Corporation, you'd think things couldn't possibly get any better. You'd be wrong. 

Today, Adult Swim announced the first-ever Adult Swim Festival (to be held in Los Angeles this October; head over here for details), and in celebration of that announcement we've been gifted a brand-new Run The Jewels video starring the network's most popular duo.

It's as excellent as you're hoping it will be.

We're big fans of both Rick And Morty and Run The Jewels here at Birth.Movies.Death., so seeing this made our day. Sure, this isn't a new track (that's "Oh Mama", off RTJ's 2016 album, Run The Jewels 3), but do you really care? That's three straight minutes of morale booster, and we'll take our morale boosts wherever we can get them these days.

Any of y'all planning to hit up the Adult Swim Festival? How are you enjoying your unlimited access to Sezchuan sauce? Are Run The Jewels making better music videos than anyone else these days (hint: this question has a correct response)? Sound off on any of the above in the comments below.
