New AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Trailer Gives Everyone A Little Love

And there's a poster too? Aw, they shouldn't have.

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Alright, we all know what you're here for.

So yeah, this is about what we've been expecting, and yet it doesn't feel any less satisfying for it.

The Guardians trading banter with Tony Stark? Check.

Just about every major character across the MCU getting a moment to shine? Check.

More Wakanda? Big ol' check.

Building up Thanos as a threat worth taking seriously? Absolutely check.

What's particularly noteworthy about this trailer is that while it's only a little over two minutes long, it makes Avengers: Infinity War feel a lot more substantial than the overstuffed series of cameos it was always in danger of becoming. This is meant to be our hype train to ride us into that shiny new April 27 release date, and now that the high of Black Panther is starting to wear off (only just a little bit), we're absolutely primed to see how this ten year cinematic experiment known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe leads us to something promised to resemble closure.

Oh, and before we wrap up - here's a shiny new poster for you, too!

What do you folks think? Sound off in the comments below, and stand by for more on Avengers: Infinity War as we draw ever closer to the film's April 27th release date.

Get your Avengers: Infinity War tickets here!
