PICK-UPS: Take Six Minutes Out Of Your Day To Watch This Funny Short Film

William Goss is back with another snappy short film. You're welcome.

The first time you step foot on a legit film set, it's overwhelming.

There's people running all over the place with walkie talkies, crew members setting up elaborate lighting rigs, half a dozen people picking over a long table overflowing with snacks, folks circling the director - who's probably staring intently into a monitor, watching one of a dozen playbacks - like vultures. The first time you see this in person, you're impressed by the sheer scope of a film production. 

Then, if you hang out for a bit, you realize that a film set is actually kind of boring. There's a lot of waiting around that goes into filmmaking (so much so, in fact, that you might be tempted to wonder how much time and money are being wasted: what are some of these people doing here?), a lot of tedious technical back-and-forth. Hours can go by in between shots.

This new short from friend-of-the-site William B. Goss, Pick-Ups? It captures that on-set feeling pretty well, and it manages to be charming, funny, worth your time (and delivers a clever twist!) all in the space of about five minutes.

See if you don't agree:

Here's what Goss has to say about the making of the short:

"I originally wrote Pick-Ups back in the summer of 2014, before I thought we'd ever bother to make it, always with the intent of doing multiple "takes" within one long take and closing in on a story occurring within the margins of your usual love story, the kind that might be more appealing but not always get its due attention. Cut to one long, hot night in the summer of 2017, when -- with a lot of help -- we managed to make it happen."

Aaaand here's an official poster, featuring art by John Gholson: 

Shout-out to Goss for sending this one over to us. We enjoyed it, and thought you would, too. 

Got any good stories from your time spent on film sets? See anything particularly funny? Weird? Boring? Straight-up scandalous? We wanna hear about it. Sound off in the comments below!
