What Can We Learn From The Full Track Listing For The SOLO Soundtrack?

Well, quite possibly the structure of the entire film, for one thing.

Warning: the following may contain spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story will be here before we know it (it hits theaters on May 25th), which means we're entering the Final Stages of the film's marketing blitzkrieg. New information about Howard's movie will be arriving in all manner of ways: new stills, new TV spots, or even - as we're seeing today - via a Facebook post from Solo composer John Powell, who just revealed the soundtrack's full track listing.

It looks like this:

There's actually quite a bit to chew on here! 

For starters, if we're to take this listing at face value, these titles seem to give us a rough approximation of Solo's structure. If we're interpreting this properly - and, again, this is just speculation - it sounds like things will kick off with some kind of action setpiece ("Meet Han"/"Corellia Chase"), followed by Han and Chewie partnering up ("Flying With Chewie"), followed by the gigantic train heist glimpsed in the film's trailers ("Train Heist"). From there it sounds like our heroes will get into more mischief ("Chicken In The Pot"), meet Lando Calrissian (the already-epic-sounding "Lando's Closet") and engage in some kind of jailbreak ("Break Out"). From there things get a little more difficult to parse ("Into The Maw" could mean all kinds of things), but still: if these track titles are accurate, we may have a basic understanding of how Solo will play out.

Then again, could be these are all red herring titles designed to obfuscate the true nature of the film, a cruel trick perpetrated on the endlessly-speculative Star Wars fanbase by noted trickster John Powell (note: John Powell does not have a reputation as a trickster), but we won't know for sure until Solo: A Star Wars Story opens on May 25th.

What do you folks think? Is this about what should we expect from Solo? Are you interpreting the track titles differently? Recklessly speculate away with us in the comments below.
