FANGORIA PRESENTS A New Line Of Novels For Your Horrific Pleasure

The magazine publisher kicks it off with OUR LADY OF THE INFERNO.

You may have heard of this little magazine called Fangoria? Yeah, they're pretty cool, writing about horror and cult films on a quarterly basis, oozing with love for a genre that so many in popular discourse will dismiss out of hand. Says here the magazine's editors include one Phil Nobile Jr. and one Meredith Borders, whose names sound vaguely familiar but I can't quite place them… Anyway, if you haven't subscribed yet, you can do so here to get your first issue in October. The BMD crew already has theirs in order and we're all waiting in eager anticipation.

But did you know Fangoria is also in the novel publishing game? Yes, Fangoria Presents is an upcoming collection of books appealing to the spirit of the horror films that inspire the magazine. The first of these books will be Our Lady of the Inferno by Preston Fassel, which is described as follows:

Spring, 1983. Sally Ride is about to go into space. Flashdance is a cultural phenomenon. And in Times Square, two very deadly women are on a collision course with destiny-- and each other. 

At twenty-one, Ginny Kurva is already legendary on 42nd Street. To the pimp for whom she works, she's the perfect weapon-- a martial artist capable of taking down men twice her size. To the girls in her stable, she's mother, teacher, and protector. To the little sister she cares for, she's a hero. Yet Ginny's bravado and icy confidence hide a mind at the breaking point, her sanity slowly slipping away as both her addictions and the sins of her past catch up with her... 

At thirty-seven, Nicolette Aster is the most respected woman at the Staten Island Landfill. Quiet and competent, she's admired by the secretaries and trusted by her supervisors. Yet those around her have no idea how Nicolette spends her nights-- when the hateful madness she keeps repressed by day finally emerges, and she turns the dump into a hunting ground to engage in a nightmarish blood sport...

In the Spring of 1983, neither Ginny nor Nicolette knows the other exists. By the time Summer rolls around, one of them will be dead.

And just today Fangoria has released the cover art for the book. Check it out!

Frankly, this sounds like a lot of fun. You can look forward to a full review when the book comes out on September 11, 2018.
