The Darker Side Of Paul Feig: Check Out This Teaser For A SIMPLE FAVOR

I know, it's as weird to type as it probably is to read.

When one typically thinks of Paul Feig, they probably imagine Freaks & Geeks or Bridesmaids (which is one of the best studio comedies ever made). His gender-flipped Ghostbusters has its fans, and Spy delivered unto us the miracle of Jason Statham's Rick Ford. 

What they don't necessarily think of? Darkness. In fact, there's really nothing dark about any of Feig's work, which is why his upcoming A Simple Favor seems to be such a huge departure for the director. Starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick, Feig's film is an adaptation of Darcey Bell's novel of the same name (penned by American Horror Story's Jessica Sharzar) and revolves around a mommy vlogger (Kendrick) who seeks to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of her new best friend (Lively). 

Honestly, that premise could easily be made into a comedy, but this new trailer's got some serious Gone Girl vibes. Take a look: 

I'm kinda into this. Plus, the rather Saul Bass looking poster (included below) probably hints toward the Hitchcockian influence Feig is drawing upon to make this picture. 

We've still got a little while to wait until we find out if Feig is any good at this thriller business, as A Simple Favor doesn't hit theaters until September 14th. Gives y'all time to get a date lined up. 
