The Girl Who Hunts Men: Here’s The Teaser For THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER’S WEB

Get ready for all of Lisbeth Salander's backstory, while she tortures more bad dudes.

At a recent screening of [Sequel I Can't Talk About Yet, But Is Good And You Will Hear More About It Later], we were shown a reel of Sony's upcoming slate. In it, there was an extended teaser for The Girl In the Spider's Web, the studio's next attempt at trying to save a franchise not even David Fincher could make a good movie out of. 

Within this extended teaser was a scene wherein Lisbeth Salander (Claire Foy, taking over for Rooney Mara) tortures a guy for basically being an abusive shithead to his wife - hanging him upside down in the middle of his living room - that was tense, unpleasant, and had a great climactic stinger. Suddenly, I was intrigued by the Millennium franchise again: if you're going to do this sort of icy, weirdo pulp, at least make it lurid and nasty (unlike the gorgeous glacier Fincher crafted). 

Now, there's an International Teaser for Fede Alvarez's reboot of the series, which hints at an entire movie built around revealing Salander's backstory (if this is all in the book, I apologize, as I haven't read it yet). The scene I just described above is also teased, but not shown in full, as this spot opts for a more "action/mystery" tone than the "torture horror" vibe that I got before. 

Take a look for yourself: 

I love the look of this movie, and the fact that Steven Knight (Eastern Promises) had a hand in penning the screenplay fills me with hope. I'm not the biggest fan of Alvarez's work, but he's certainly got a slick eye that could go a long way in cobbling together a solid thriller. 

Guess we'll all find out when The Girl In the Spider's Web hits theaters November 9th. 
