From Your Ears To Your Eyeballs: An S-TOWN Movie Is On The Way

If this hits big, I demand a DOUGHBOYS movie next.

I love podcasts. In fact, I might spend more time listening to podcasts a week than taking in any other medium. And yet, I have never heard S-Town. People have told me to hundreds of times, but I am a goddamn rebel.

So while I am not the target audience for this news, many others will likely be quite tickled by it. According to Deadline, there is an S-Town movie adaptation in the works. And it’s not going to be some little thing, either. Spotlight director Tom McCarthy is in negotiations to direct while playwright Samuel Hunter is likely to write the script. I mean, he’s a playwright!

Which means eventually I am going to have to finally listen to this and embark on an “I told you so” collection tour when I fall in love with it. I suppose that includes commenters, so have at it below.
