Sam Mendes Will Next Direct 1917, A Film We Know Nothing About (So Don’t Ask)

Mendes' WWI epic is headed for Amblin. That's basically all we know.

According to Deadline, Spectre director Sam Mendes has officially lined up his next gig, a WWI movie by the name of 1917, and he's got Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment onboard to produce the picture. Mendes co-wrote the screenplay with Penny Dreadful's Krysty Wilson-Cairns, and it'll be out at the end of next year.

That's...well, that's it. That's all we know. 

Look, the thing is, sometimes you go on vacation for a week and then you clock back in to work all jacked up on caffeine, ready to give Hollywood what-for and earn your dang paycheck, only to encounter a Monday where entertainment news is in disastrously short supply. So you end up sitting at your desk for hours, frantically refreshing the Hollywood trades and pumping your in-the-know buddies for intel, only to come up with absolutely nothing. Then a story - let's be honest, a "story" - like the above comes along, and you've really got no choice but to make a meal out of it. You've got no Sam Mendes jokes, no World War I jokes, and you're increasingly distracted by the fact that the entire goddamn world seems to be caught in the throes of a very ugly meltdown, but write you must. And so you do. 

Nothing further to report on 1917 at this time, but we'll keep you abreast on all the hot production details as they become available. In the meantime, it's nice to be back.

(Note: Header photo by Angela George, used with permission via Wikimedia Commons)
