New Report Suggests All Those STAR WARS Spin-Offs Have Been Put On Hold

Well, that escalated quickly.

Buckle up - our friends over at Collider just dropped one helluva bombshell:

"Sources with knowledge of the situation tell Collider that Lucasfilm has decided to put plans for more A Star Wars Story spinoff movies on hold, instead opting to focus their attention on Star Wars: Episode IX and what the next trilogy of Star Wars films will be after that film. Sources tell us that the previously rumored Obi-Wan movie was in active development, but those who were working on the film are no longer involved. It was recently reported that Logan filmmaker James Mangold was in early talks to write and direct the Boba Fett film, but that was before Solo’s release."

First things first: while it's true that the above has yet to be confirmed by anyone at Lucasfilm or Disney, the folks at Collider know their shit; they're not gonna run an unsourced, half-assed rumor just for The Clicks. If this is what they're reporting, we are inclined to believe them.

Secondly, it's probably safe to assume - again, assuming the above is accurate - that this decision has been made in response to the underwhelming box office performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Like the studio's previous Star Wars spin-off, Rogue One, Solo was a troubled production which eventually saw its directors (Phil Lord and Chris Miller) fired and replaced by another filmmaker (Ron Howard). Unlike Rogue One, however, the resulting film was not embraced by audiences. Not great, Boba.

Third: for what it's worth, Collider also suggests this development will not impact the new Star Wars projects currently being worked on by Rian Johnson (who's putting together his own trilogy of films) or Game of Thrones' DB Weiss and David Benioff (who are also working on a new Star Wars series). Do what that information what you will.

So, what happens now to James Mangold's Boba Fett and that standalone Obi-Wan movie? We have no idea. Maybe they wipe the slate clean completely, drop both ideas entirely. Maybe they rework both from the ground up, and take extra steps to ensure that the filmmakers they've hired will follow their marching orders. Maybe both projects are fine and this is all a wacky misunderstanding. Guess we'll have to see what Lucasfilm and Disney say in response to all this.

In the meantime, head on over to Collider to read the rest of their report, and stay tuned for more on this situation as it develops. Shit's wild out there, gang.
