Here’s The List Of Dudes Who Could Be Playing Baby Goose In TOP GUN 2

The fallen wingman will watch from Heaven as his seed takes his place alongside Maverick.

We've known for a little while now that Baby Goose - son of Anthony Edwards' fallen wing man from Tony Scott's original feature-length Naval recruitment video - will be featured in Top Gun 2. Why somebody whose dad was straight-up killed flying planes would want to enter into the same aerial arena is somewhat baffling to me, but it essentially worked for Creed, so fuck it, I guess. 

According to THR, the list of actors being considered to play Baby Goose (who was also in the original as a child, with Meg Ryan as his mom) has been narrowed down to three recognizable names:

  • Miles Teller (Footloose)
  • Nicolas Hoult (Dark Places)
  • Glen Powell (Spy Kids 3D)

While it's not entirely known how Baby Goose plays into the narrative of Top Gun 2, THR is describing this bit of casting as a "key role", so he's probably not just chasing Tom Cruise's Maverick around screaming "my dad's still dead!" If this writer were to guess, Maverick's going to take on some mentor role to BG, so that he can finally rid himself of the guilt he feels regarding Big Goose's tragic demise all those years ago. 

Apparently the production just went through their final round of testing for the role in Clearwater, Florida, so we should be getting confirmation on who's going to play this new hot shot sidekick soon. My money's on Teller, who just got done cleaning the blood off himself in Nic Refn's Too Old To Die Young

Joseph Kosinsi - who also directed Cruise in Oblivion - is shooting Top Gun 2 with an eye for it to hit theaters July 12th, 2019. I don't care what anyone says, this movie is going to rule. 
