Please Enjoy This Unfortunate New Photo From VENOM

You'll need to click through to see it. Hate the game, not the player.

It's Friday the 13th, and Entertainment Weekly's onslaught of photo reveals continues unabated. The latest: a new look at Tom Hardy in full Venom mode, from this October's Venom.

Let's take a look.

Yikes. That is just...really unpleasant to look at. One supposes that's the point (Venom is, after all, an alien symbiote* who's taken over Tom Hardy's body and turned him into an unstoppable - but also maybe mildly heroic - killing machine) but, still. Jesus. 

On a related note, Tom Hardy tells EW he thinks of Venom as a "tragic clown":

“There’s a tragic clown element, which I find funny and is harmonious with some of the work that I like to do. There’s something funny about the circumstances of having a gift but it’s a tragic gift. It’s a superpower you don’t really want, but at the same time, you love it. It makes you feel special. He’s a reluctant hero and an anti-hero.”

Ruben Fleischer's Venom is, as you've certainly heard by now, the first in a number of planned Spider-Man-free Spider-Man spin-offs currently being assembled by Sony. The film's first trailer didn't exactly overwhelm us with confidence, but we're admittedly curious to see how the Venom design plays in context.

Stay tuned for more on Venom out of next week's SDCC, and be sure to mark your calendards for the film's arrival in theaters on October 5th.

* = Correct pronunciation TBD
