Watch: Fantastic Fest-Selected Werewolf Short OVERTIME

Late nights can be killer.

Classic monsters all relate to time in different ways. Vampires have all the time in the world; mummies grow weary of it; God knows how Frankenstein’s monster perceives it. Werewolves, on the other hand, operate on a monthly lunar cycle as uncompromising as it is regular - one that’s seen a variety of insightful interpretations.

Overtime, which scored a special mention award in the Short Fuse programme at Fantastic Fest 2016, continues that tradition in a wholly unexpected way. Inspired by Edgar Wright, Sam Raimi, and Mike Nichols’ Wolf, the Australian short is an altogether more everyday werewolf story, based around an everymonth werewolf conundrum. It centres on Ralph (Aaron Glenane), an office worker and secret werewolf, trying to escape a late night at work before the full moon triggers his transformation. As the story progresses, the stakes continue to rise, and well - check out the short below.

As far as shorts go, this is a textbook example of sticking to a simple idea and riding it to its conclusion. We’ve all had to stay late at work at least once, and director Craig D. Foster and producer/editor Emma McKenna based their script on their own experiences in office jobs. That frustration is evident in every part of the long-suffering Ralph’s agonising journey home - and frankly, it’s something of a delight to see him let loose as the short wraps up.

As Ralph begins to transform into werewolf form, Glenane gets increasingly swallowed up by makeup effects by the Sydney-based Odd Studio. Foster told me that despite being busy with the likes of Mad Max: Fury Road, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, and Alien: Covenant, Odd Studio “loved the script, were incredibly supportive, and made the makeup process a breeze,” creating a range of prosthetics for the various stages of Ralph’s transformation. Though co-star and friend Adam Dunn (Ralph’s boss in the film) was “quite perturbed at seeing his sweet friend look so nasty,” the transformation is rather effective onscreen.

If you enjoyed Overtime, do share it - we like supporting Fantastic Fest alumni here at BMD. Foster and McKenna are currently “tinkering” with a feature idea that follows on from the short. Godspeed.
