Get back to work, Gary!

When we last saw the Legends of Tomorrow, they were reveling in their defeat of Mallus. For once they didn’t screw things up worse, and got to be actual heroes. But that’s now things work on this show! Turns out that by releasing Mallus, they also released a whole host of other magical beings. Some seem to be pretty fluffy and fun, but more than a couple cranky dragons are coming out of the woodwork, as well.

The teams over at the CW Network brought a fun little teaser for the coming season. Check it out:  

The coming season looks as fun and ridiculous as ever, with more than a few surprises headed our way. We’ve heard about Nate’s strained relationship with his father, and this season will take some time to explore that. Tom Wilson (yeah, Biff) will be playing Steel’s estranged daddio this year, so get ready for all sorts of Back to the Future riffs. Though Amaya has returned to Zambezi, Maise Sellers will remain on the show while taking on a new character, Charlie. It sounds as if this Charlie will be playing a bit of an antagonistic role to start off, but they’re currently hush-hush on which side of the fence she’ll fall on when all is said and done.

Courtney Ford (Nora) and Jes Macallan (Ava) return to the cast with bigger roles this year, each expanding on the roles they kicked off last season. With Jes Macallan’s promotion to regular comes the expansion of the Time Bureau. The cast is excited to create a marriage between the Legends and the Bureau as Ava and Sara’s relationship blossoms, which is advantageous with all the magical misadventures unravelling in their universe.

Let us know your thoughts on the footage and what you hope to see in the coming season of Legends of Tomorrow in the comments below!
