SDCC 2018: SUPERGIRL Will Continue To Inspire Hope

Jesse Rath straight up stole a Legion ring from props.

The theme of the year is what is stronger: hope or fear? Kara will continue to be the beacon of hope against the rising anti-alien sentiment, and will have to grapple with how to be that beacon when she represents what the people are being told to be afraid of. But journalist Kara is making a big comeback this year, and she will be just as much of a hero as Supergirl.

The cast and crew of Supergirl has always put their money where their mouths are when it comes to their activism, with each member of the cast actively working on real life social issues often. In continuing that trend, the show has cast the first ever on screen transgender hero. Dreamer will be played by Nicole Maines, a trans actress and activist who is elated to take on the role. Nia Nal will come from working with Cat Grant to learn journalism from Kara.

We’ll see other stories unfold among the anti-alien movement throughout this next batch of episodes. They didn’t forget about Red Daughter, and while she’ll be less involved in the beginning of the season, we’ll see her become a big centerpiece later. You’ll get more of Braniac 5, who will butt heads with Alex as she tries to reconcile with her new role. There will also be fallout from James outing himself as the Guardian, and while he’s Winn-less for now, Jessica Queller and Sarah Schechter have confirmed that we will be seeing him once again.

Who do you hope to see more of in season four of Supergirl returns on October 14th?
