New Trailer For Gaspar Noé‘s CLIMAX Drops The Beat in Hell

Well. This looks completely bonkers.

The good folks at A24 released a brand-new trailer for Gaspar Noé's Climax this morning (phrasing), and it looks a lot like it did the last time we saw footage from this mindfuck of a movie: like a descent straight into club kid hell. 

Let's take a look.

Yes, that's right - Gaspar Noé, the absolute madman behind such films as Irreversible, Enter The Void and Love, is back at it again with the sensory overload hijinks. Climax appears to have everything Noé fans love: a thunderous soundtrack, eyeball-melting visuals, a substantial amount of sweaty flesh meeting other sweaty flesh, and (last but not least!) the ever-present threat of violence. Normally we'd tell you not to judge a book by its cover, but by all accounts this trailer is perfectly representative of the film Noé made. Naturally, we cannot wait to see it.

Here's an official synopsis:

"From director Gaspar Noé comes a hypnotic, hallucinatory, and ultimately hair-raising depiction of a party that descends into delirium over the course of one wintry night. In Climax, a troupe of young dancers gathers in a remote and empty school building to rehearse. Following an unforgettable opening performance lit by virtuoso cinematographer Benoît Debie and shot by Noé himself, the troupe begins an all-night celebration that turns nightmarish as the dancers discover they’ve been pounding cups of sangria laced with potent LSD. Tracking their journey from jubilation to chaos and full-fledged anarchy, Noé observes crushes, rivalries, and violence amid a collective psychedelic meltdown."

Climax will arrive in the UK on September 21st. No word yet on a US release date, but we're guessing we'll hear something on that front soon enough. Stay tuned for more as it becomes available, and do check out our Cannes review of the film (which was tragically not quoted in the above trailer) while you're waiting.
