Danny Boyle Won’t Be Directing BOND 25, After All


Stand by for an important announcement from the 007 Twitter feed...


For a lot of us, the fact that Danny Boyle was directing the next Bond was the project's biggest selling point. We still have no idea what the movie's about (or what it was gonna be about), but with Boyle at the helm we were all but guaranteed to get a Bond that looked, sounded and felt unlike any other Bond movie. It was exciting, and we're legit bummed to hear that Boyle and the Bond team have parted ways.

As you can see, the only explanation we've got right now for Boyle's departure is the dreaded "creative differences", which could mean just about anything. Odds are, there's much more to this story, and we're guessing there'll be a more substantial report in the near future. 

Stay tuned for that, and speculate below on what the hell might've happened here while we're waiting for it to arrive. We'll update this post as further updates roll in.
