Haha, Says The Oscars, We’re Not REALLY Gonna Do That ‘Most Popular Movie’ Category Thing

In which a bad decision gets rectified.

Not long ago, the Academy announced it was adding a fun, new category to this year's Oscars ceremony: "Most Popular Film". The reaction to this fun, new idea was so profoundly negative - and, indeed, so deafeningly loud - that we had no choice but to assume that the Academy would quickly rethink its decision.

Flash-forward to today:

"The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is postponing the introduction of the new “popular” Oscar category it had intended to introduce at its upcoming 91st Academy Awards on Feb. 24."

Yes, the Academy's terrible "Most Popular Film" idea has been "postponed', which is probably just another way of saying it's been driven upstate to a farm, where it will live amongst several other postponed Academy ideas. You'll almost definitely never hear from it again, but rest assured: it's up there, living a happy life, and maybe one day it will come back. 

Says Academy CEO Dawn Hudson:

“There has been a wide range of reactions to the introduction of a new award, and we recognize the need for further discussion with our members. We have made changes to the Oscars over the years — including this year — and we will continue to evolve while also respecting the incredible legacy of the last 90 years.”

We're not so sure we agree with Hudson's police work on that "wide range of reactions" thing, but whatever: if they're abandoning - excuse me, postponing - this awful idea, that's good enough for us. No reason to beat 'em up about it. We all make very huge, very public, very boneheaded mistakes from time to time. 

Stay tuned for more on next year's Oscars as further updates roll in. 
