Zachary Quinto To Relieve Children Of Their Souls In AMC’s NOS4A2

New Wave Spock gets back to working with the forces of darkness.

NOS4A2 is a gnarly book, full of gruesome descriptions of Charlie Manx - an immortal who feeds on the souls of children - luring kids into his '38 Rolls-Royce with the promise of taking them to "Christmasland" (a village where it's always Christmas and unhappiness is illegal). Of course, they never get to this fake utopia, as Manx instead rips them to pieces. Author Joe Hill taps into the same frightening "loss of innocence" themes that made so many of his father's texts so memorable (and perhaps even one-ups Ol' Uncle Steve in the horror department). 

Now, AMC is bringing Hill's bestseller to life with a new series, and has cast Zachary Quinto as Charlie. This is one helluva marriage of performer and material, as Quinto remains one of the creepiest horror players out there (and one of the few shining spots in the seemingly interminable American Horror Story). Some makeup work will have to be done on Quinto's ageless mug to match many fans' mental picture of Manx, but that seems like a managable detail, all told. 

Joining Quinto in this nightmarish serial is Ashleigh Cummings (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries), who will also star in the series as young Vic McQueen (Cummings), who finds that she possesses a supernatural ability to track Manx (and is even the one girl to ever elude his deadly grasp). In a sense, she becomes the story's Ahab, looking to take the monster down on her Raleigh Tuff Burner bike.

This all sounds pretty sweet, and it'll be neat to see AMC bring the same flair for horror theatrics to this adaptation of Hill's novel as they did to The Walking Dead. How they're going to stretch the book into multiple seasons is another story entirely, but there's enough world-building going on in the text that it should be fun to watch showrunner Jami O'Brien (Hell on Wheels) run wild with it. 

Guess we'll all find out when NOS4A2 hits AMC next year. Stay tuned. 
