Who Wants A Five-Minute-Long AQUAMAN Trailer?

An extended look at what James Wan has in store for us.

Well, it finally happened. They put the extended Aquaman trailer we saw at Comic-Con online for all to enjoy. Or not enjoy if that’s how it hits you. I’ll get out of its way, so you can judge for yourself:

What do you think? There’s a lot more of the movie here than we’ve seen before. That seems like an obvious statement given the length of this trailer, but I really mean to indicate how many different aspects of the film Wan is showing off here. That Indiana Jones desert trek, underwater battles, huge creatures, that cool rooftop chase. And of course the big money shot, as we finally see Arthur don his iconic comic book costume.

It’s all pretty exciting, though I’m still not 100% sold on this film. If nothing else, you can’t say it doesn’t look wild and visually unique. I’m excited to see what Wan has in store for us this December.
