Get Your First Look At Ruby Rose’s BATWOMAN

Looks like… Batwoman!

Things are moving fast on this Batwoman front. We learned in August that Ruby Rose would be playing Batwoman in a CW crossover event and then probably later in her own show. Now we already have a picture of what she’ll look like in costume:

There’s some negativity among the BMD staff about this costume, but I kind of like it. She looks enough like the comic book version, and I appreciate just how little is going on with the look. Granted, it borders on being too plain, but there’s something I like about the idea of this being as no frills as possible.

Now, whether all this is in service of a character/show that is worth watching remains to be seen. Most of this CW stuff has its fans already. Those likely to enjoy it already enjoy it. Those who will never be turned will likely remained un-turned, even with BatFamily representation.

We’ll just have to wait and see! Batwoman and her big crossover event begins December 9. Her solo show actually hasn’t been picked up yet (though, c’mon, it’ll get picked up).
