We Have No Idea What To Make Of This Tease From HBO’s WATCHMEN

It's...I mean...well, take a look and see what you think.

So, here's a thing that just popped up over at Damon Lindelof's Instragam page:

As you can see, that's...uh...well, look, we don't know what that is. Nor do we know who it is. We don't know if that's an actual costume being rocked underneath a police uniform, or some type of placeholder that will be changed via CGI somewhere up the road (that seems doubtful, given that you can see the eyes of the person wearing it if you zoom in close enough). We don't know why this is a video file when, really, it's just a static shot with a very subtle zoom. We honestly don't know what to think.

We do know, however, that this won't be a straight adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' iconic comic book series, so we're not surprised to see an all-new character. We also know that Damon Lindelof knows a thing or two about teasing out material, thanks to his time on LOST

Anyway, what do you folks think? Who are we looking at here? What could it possibly mean? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for more on HBO's forthcoming Watchmen adaptation as further updates roll in. We're super curious about this one, and are dying to learn more.
