You Must See The Music Video For (checks notes) “Batman Cries”

From the album "Batman Cries", by Joe Settineri.

I suppose I could write an elaborate introduction to the following, but what would be the point? Nothing I can possibly say in this moment will prepare you for what you're about to see, and I have no explanations to offer you.

Just watch.

This is the music video for (you guessed it) "Batman Cries", off Joe Settineri's Batman Cries, an album you didn't know existed until right now and which does not currently appear to be available for purchase via Amazon. The BMD crew is divided as to whether or not this is meant to be taken seriously, but I suspect it's the real deal. This is a very heartfelt song about Batman crying from musician Joe Settineri, there's an entire music video for it, and we can watch it whenever we want. 

There will be no further questions at this time. Be safe out there, everyone.
