It Came From Your Streaming Service: Hear John Carpenter’s Shudder Network Theme

We're gonna need a blood sample from AMC to test.

Shudder is rad. We've told you that on numerous occasions.

But now they've got the official stamp of approval from John Carpenter, as the Horror Master has written an exclusive theme for the horror-streaming platform. Simply called "Shudder", the track seems pulled directly from some lost widescreen classic we've never seen before. 

Take a listen: 

I mean, any die hard genre fanatic is instantly going to recognize the DNA of that thumping bass. Now, I need to hit the horn and get Carpenter to write "Birth.Movies.Death" so that I can play it at Scott's funeral after he dies from eating some weird thing and then fighting a bear in the woods while on PCP (it was all in the name of Trying Times)[ed. note - I'll allow it].

Stay tuned...
