The Alamo Drafthouse Really, Really Wants All Of You To Vote

And they're making sure every one of their employees gets a chance to.

This probably goes without saying, but the November 6th midterm elections are incredibly important. Things out there are lookin' real rough, and it's become clear that the only way they're gonna get any better is by replacing the clowns currently running our nation's show. 

In an effort to help pack our nation's voting booths, the Alamo Drafthouse is taking an interesting step: on the morning of November 6th, they're shutting down all 36 of their locations so that every Drafthouse employee is guaranteed to have time to do their civic duty. Hell, they're even willing to pay for the rideshare to and from the nearest polling place.

Here's the press release:

"On November 6th – Election Day – Alamo Drafthouse screens from coast to coast will be dark. Lobbies will be empty. No queso will be made... well, until mid-afternoon, at least. That’s because all 36 of the cinema eatery’s locations will be cancelling the first round of shows to allow all employees time to vote in the midterm elections.

“My mom instilled in me at a young age the importance of voting in every election, and I try to pay that forward with the staff at Alamo,” says Tim League, Alamo Drafthouse founder and CEO. “So, we’re closing our locations for the first round of shows and offering to pick up the tab on any staff member’s rideshare to a polling place.”

One of Alamo Drafthouse’s core priorities is civic participation, including encouraging voter participation in the 27 cities Alamo Drafthouse serves. Those efforts have included a national voter awareness PSA contest, partnerships with civic leaders on non-partisan voter registration campaigns, distribution of "I'm So Gonna Vote" stickers at the box office and – for many employees – actually becoming voter registrars.

“As a Travis County voter registrar, myself and other Alamo employees signed up friends and coworkers, and volunteered for sign-up shifts in theater lobbies,” says Lauren Cooke, Creative Project Manager. “It was a rewarding experience to know you've helped someone participate in our democracy. Alone, I think I registered around fifty people. How cool is that?!”

Alamo Drafthouse’s social media team even had some cheeky fun on October 8th, with a viral post stating that the company’s much-lauded “No Talking, No Texting” policy was being put up to a vote.

To find out how to vote early, to get an absentee ballot, or to find your polling place, visit"

This is an awesome move on the Drafthouse's part (especially here in Texas, where we're this close to finally being rid of Ted Cruz), and we're thrilled to hear they're doing it. If you're a Drafthouse employee, make sure you take 'em up on this offer. Everyone else: well, we insist that you vote, as well. Here's hoping your employer's giving the morning off to get it done!

(Note: Header photo by Tom Arthur, used with permission via Wikimedia Commons
