We Talked A Lot Of Shit But VENOM Has Made Over $800M At The Worldwide Box Office

We're absolutely getting another VENOM.

Last month, we marvelled at the overperformance of Ruben Fleischer's Venom at the worldwide box office. At the time, the film had pulled in a cumulative $300M after just two weeks in theaters, a figure that seemed virtually impossible in the months leading up to Venom's release. This movie' s trailers were met with chortling. Its marketing campaign frequently seemed insane. It was a Film Twitter punching bag from the moment it was announced, and here it was with $300M worth of tickets sold. 

Well, it's six weeks later, and Venom's still going strong: its worldwide total now stands at $822.5M, which means Venom is now the 5th highest-grossing movie of the year, the 2nd highest-grossing superhero origin movie of all time (behind only Black Panther), and the 3rd highest-grossing Spider-Man movie of all time (if you consider this a Spider-Man movie, which is admittedly debatable; we'll let y'all argue about that in the comments), behind only Spider-Man: Homecoming and 2007's Spider-Man 3.

A whole bunch of people (ourselves included!) were very wrong in their predictions about Venom, but there's no arguing those numbers. Against all odds, Ruben Fleischer's film worked, and it worked like gangbusters. At this point, there's no chance we're not getting another Venom (some even suspect that Sony's already got a date picked out for it, in early October of 2020) and...well, what can we say? We're legitimately excited about that. This is one of those times where we couldn't be happier to have been so wrong.

A quick glance at Amazon reveals that Venom will hit Blu-ray, 4K and DVD on December 18th, a fortuitous bit of timing that all but guarantees Sony will be adding another chunk of change to Venom's bottom line before the year is out (I will confess that, yes, it's on the Christmas list I provided my wife; if it's not in my stocking come Christmas morning I will be hiring a very aggressive lawyer).

Are you folks planning to pick it up? Did you ignore Venom when it was in theaters? Do you now feel left out of the conversation, or do you remain happy with that choice? Were you as unexpectedly charmed by the film as we were? Sound off in the comments section below, and stay tuned for more on the inevitable Venom 2: Symbiote Boogaloo as further updates become available.
