The First BRIGHTBURN Trailer Imagines What’d Happen If Superman Were A Giant Dick

Like, an even bigger dick than he was in BATMAN V. SUPERMAN.

At long last, we've finally got the first trailer for Brightburn, the mysterious, James Gunn-produced horror/thriller headed to theaters next May. This one was scheduled to be revealed during last year's SDCC, before getting derailed by that whole "Disney fired James Gunn from Guardians 3" situation.

Until now, information on Brightburn (even that title!) has been hard to come by, but today's trailer reveals the film is something of a "What if?" scenario imagining what'd happen if baby Superman had crash-landed on our planet...and then turned out to be evil.   

Check this out:

This looks awesome.

Yeah, it's a little too dark for its own good, and yeah, it's quite clearly a riff on established Superman mythology (they've even got ya boi out here rocking a cape!), but who cares? There's some legitimately great stuff going on in this trailer (that final jump scare is A+), and we're hyped to see what Gunn, director David Yarovesky (The Hive) and writers Brian and Mark Gunn have come up with. This one's very much in our wheelhouse.

What do you folks think? Feeling this one as much as we are? Curious to see how dark this'll get? Think the same concerned citizens who mobilized to get Gunn fired from Disney will show up to protest this one's release? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for more on Brightburn as further updates become available.

Brightburn hits theaters on May 24th of next year.
