The First HELLBOY Trailer Contains Way More Billy Idol Than We Expected

In which Neil Marshall steps into GDT's shoes.

Well, here it is, at long last: the first trailer for Neil Marshall's Hellboy.

This one's been a long time comin', so let's just get out of its way.

Well. There is a lot to discuss here. 

For starters, we've long been expecting a slightly more violent, slightly more R-rated version of Hellboy (probably because this is what Marshall told us to expect last June). With its Billy Idol soundtrack and pronounced comic tone, this trailer's something of a surprise! From where we're standing, this feels a lot like Del Toro's Hellboy, as shot through the prism of the MCU. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, it's just not entirely what we were expecting. It'll take a minute to acclimate to that.

Secondly, how y'all feeling about Hellboy's look here? This is our first look at Harbour's Hellboy in motion, and the makeup looks...not awful? But also not great? This is actually symptomatic of the entire trailer: the 2019 Hellboy seems to be working on a much more limited budget than the Hellboy films Guillermo Del Toro made, and that comes through loud and clear in everything from the costumes to the makeup to the props and the sets. Once again: this is not necessarily a bad thing, it's just something to wrap our heads around.

Feels like this one's gonna take some time to digest. Luckily, we won't have to wait much longer to see the full thing: Neil Marshall's Hellboy hits theaters on April 12th, and we'll be there opening night. How 'bout you folks?
