Christopher Nolan’s New Movie Arrives Next Summer

That's basically all we know right now but feel free to click through, anyway.

Here's some exciting news: Christopher Nolan's got a new movie on deck for Warner Bros., and it's hitting theaters on July 17th, 2020.

What's it called? What's it about? Who's in it? We have no goddamn idea. Right now, all we know is that it's headed our way, and that it'll probably end up being a chilly, masterful piece of work that sends Film Twitter into shuddering paroxysms of hyperbole and delight.

Wait, that's not true - we do know one more thing: according to The Playlist, it'll be an "IMAX event movie". This barely qualifies as a new piece of information because, I mean, come on: of course Nolan's gonna call down the IMAX thunder. That's kind of his thing. 

Nothing further to report at this time, but stay tuned for more on Untitled Christopher Nolan IMAX Event Movie as further updates become available. Celebrate along with us in the comments below, if you are so inclined. 

(Note: header photo by "charlieanders2", used with permission via Flickr)
