The 2019 BMD Alternate Oscars: Costumes, Sets, Makeup, And Effects

Plus the winners of last week's sound and music votes!

Welcome to the 2019 Birth.Movies.Death Alternate Oscars! We’re now in the third annual incarnation of this new tradition, in which the BMD staff pick nominees from the films Oscar ignored, and readers vote for the winners. There are plenty of good films nominated in the “real” Oscars, but this is our chance - and yours - to give some lovin’ to the films that were too small, too weird, or too badass for the Academy to recognise.

We’ll have a new set of nominees up every Wednesday, leading up to the Academy Awards ceremony itself, and each week we’ll reveal the winners from the previous salvo of categories. So place your votes, and may the best movies win. 

Last week, we ran polls about sound and music, and after some initial dead heats, eventually got a pretty clear set of results. The late Johann Johannsson took away Best Original Score with his moody composition for Mandy; on the opposite end of the aural spectrum, Thom Yorke’s lilting piano number “Unmade” for Suspiria won Best Original Song. Annihilation bested multiple blockbusters to win Best Sound Mixing, while Hereditary handily ran away with the Sound Editing award. Congratulations to those films, and thank you all for voting.

This week, we’re looking at some of the “craft” categories. As always, these nominees are picked by the collective BMD staff, and there are definitely some films we hated to leave out. But this is the nature of these things. Read on and vote:

Thanks for voting! We’ll be back next week with the acting nominees, which given the extraordinary performances this year are sure to be tough to vote on and even tougher to assemble nominees for. Feel free to praise your choices for this week - or grouse about what we left out - in the comments below.

This article is part of B.M.D. Guide To: The 2019 Alternate Oscars
