The First CHILD’S PLAY Remake Trailer Tries To Play Coy

It almost looks like a doll is killing people or something.

When it comes to Child’s Play, we are a Don Mancini household here at BMD. This is his series and therefore all reverence paid to it goes to his address. In other words, this non-Mancini remake already has an uphill battle ahead of it.

But we are not savages who will just dismiss a film out of hand. There’s room for this remake thing to be okay, right? At the end of the day, we just want good horror films.

Having said that, I’m not feeling this first trailer for the Child’s Play remake. Check it out below:

It strikes me as curious to make a movie on the strength of a known IP (in this case, Chucky) and then put out a trailer that plays coy about revealing that known quantity. This trailer tries to build suspense out of the idea that a doll could be killing people. I think we’re all already on board with that idea at this point. So let’s see the dumb doll.

Unfortunately, that will have to wait for another trailer. About the only interesting elements on display here are the fact that the film will feature violence (hey, we take nothing for granted!) and a bit showing off Nu-Chucky’s technological enhancements, which will probably be the main individual hook from which this film hangs. Also, Aubrey Plaza almost hangs at one point.

Child’s Play is expected to come out June 21.
