In which Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson remake a stone-cold classic.

It's been over two years since we learned that Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson would be headlining a remake of Frank Oz's Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (which was, yes, already a remake itself - of 1964's Bedtime Story). At that time, the project was called Nasty Women, a title which was apparently jettisoned somewhere along the line for the far less interesting (and less timely) The Hustle.

Today, we've got the first trailer for that remake. Let's take a look.

Well, there can be no doubt that this is a remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - some of the scenes glimpsed here are lifted directly from that film. Obviously a gender-swap has occurred across the board, with Hathaway and Wilson taking on the roles formerly played by Michael Caine and Steve Martin, and the material's clearly been updated for the modern era (this time, they've set their sights on fleecing a tech millionaire), but for the most part this appears to be a fairly faithful adaptation. All of that said: filling the shoes of Michael Caine and Steve Martin is no easy feat. Some might say an impossible feat.

Chris Addison's The Hustle lands in theaters on May 10th. You gonna give it its day in court or nah? Sound off below, and stay tuned for further updates as they roll in. While you're waiting, I strongly recommend revisiting Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, recognized in this household as one of the funniest movies ever made.
