Check Out Our Exclusive Teaser Reveal For THE ART OF SELF DEFENSE

Jesse Eisenberg is going to kick some ass.

You’ll be hearing more about The Art of Self Defense next week as it plays SXSW. For now, all you need to know is it’s a film where Jesse Eisenberg signs up for a martial arts class taught by Alessandro Nivola. While a weaponized Jesse Eisenberg probably isn’t anyone's idea of a good time in real life, in the movies who knows what could happen.

We’re proud to have this exclusive teaser reveal for the film. Check it out below:

It’s a funny teaser and I’m excited to hear more about this one, as it looks like the actual film might have more than comedy on its mind. Though he doesn’t show up in the above clip, the film does have Leland Orser in it, so it must be good.
