John David Washington Will Headline Christopher Nolan’s Next Film

Nolan must've been a BLACKKKLANSMAN fan.

According to Variety, Blackkklansman star John David Washington will next headline Christopher Nolan's as-yet-untitled 2020 event film, expected to arrive next July. As of this writing, virtually nothing is known about the film - we don't really even know what genre Nolan's working in this time - but we're certainly excited to hear Washington's involved! Dude turned in a ferocious performance in Spike Lee's Oscar-winning film, and it's interesting to imagine him bringing that intensity to a Chris Nolan project.

For a while there, word on the street had Untitled 2020 Christopher Nolan Event Film pegged as a romantic thriller, but Variety now says that isn't the case, with their source describing the movie as a "massive, innovative, action blockbuster, which will again be shown in IMAX." Of Nolan's past few films, that sounds most like Inception, so we'll take this as another piece of exciting information.

Anyway, unless Warner Bros. is determined to keep this thing completely under wraps for another year (unlikely, yes, but not entirely outside the realm of possibility with reigning WB Daddy Nolan involved), it's likely we'll hear more about Untitled 2020 Christopher Nolan Event Film - what it's about, who its stars are playing, what have you - in the not-too-distant future. I mean, they've got just over a year to get this thing finished. 

Surely they'll tell us something...right?
