Jared Leto Offers Strong Evidence MORBIUS Will Be Absolutely Insufferable

Jeez, this guy.

Look, I got good news and I got bad news. The good news is, it’s Friday. The bad news is Jared Leto is still doing a Morbius movie.

But Evan, you say. Maybe a Morbius movie isn’t such a bad idea! After all, you guys shat all over Venom before it came out, and that movie was a blast!

It’s true. We did, and it was. But Venom starred Tom Hardy doing foolish things. It did not star a fool doing kool things.

Want proof? Check out this nonsense Leto Tweeted yesterday (trigger warning for anyone who has ever been cornered by a poet at an undergraduate wine tasting):

The defense rests. No, I cannot wait for this movie.
