Well, Here’s Another CHILD’S PLAY Trailer

This one with some actual Child’s Play in it.

Look, I totally get it. There is money to be made from the Child’s Play IP but probably not with all the angles and attachments the original franchise grew over the course of its more than half a dozen films. It makes sense to get in there with a quick and dirty remake, one that takes newer technologies into account.

And so they did. Now it has another trailer:

There are a couple things I like here. One is the trendy IT thing where all the kids come together to fight their particular demon (in this case a doll). The other is the rather intricate kill-scenes the film appears to feature. Since Chucky is both a) tiny and b) a smart doll, it seems like he’s more about setting technology against his victims, which is at least more believable than people getting jumped and stabbed by a foot and a half of plastic and hair.

But then there’s the shot of Chucky’s face, which I do not like. And finally his new voice, by Mark Hamill, which I also do not like. (In perfect Hamill fashion, it is too arch).

Maybe they’ll keep the doll mostly in the shadows, though. They’re certainly trying to in this trailer, as if anyone is going for any reason other than to watch Chucky do his thing.

In any case, Child's Play hits this June. 
