Gabriel Luna Will Headline Hulu’s GHOST RIDER Series

So, this is kind of weird...

Earlier this morning, we learned that Hulu and Marvel were partnering up for a new series based on Ghost Rider, the motorcycle-ridin', chain-whip swingin', leather-clad skeleton biker we were all super into back in 6th grade. The twist: this Ghost Rider series would not be focused on Johnny Blaze, the classic version of the character, but on Robbie Reyes, a later version of the character previously played by Gabriel Luna on ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Well, here's another twist: according to Variety, Luna is reprising his role as Robbie Reyes for Hulu's Ghost Rider series, but he won't be playing the same iteration of the character that he played on that aforementioned ABC series:

"Variety has learned exclusively that Luna will star in the recently announced Hulu live-action series based on the comic book character. This will mark the second time that Luna has played Ghost Rider, previously appearing as the character in the ABC-Marvel series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, sources stress that this will be a completely new iteration of the character in no way connected to the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. storyline."

Got all that? Same actor (Gabriel Luna), same character (Robbie Reyes), but not the same version of the character Luna previously played (the one from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).

This is, quite frankly, a little confusing, but BMD staff members who actually watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tell me "they did some weird dimension-hopping shit" with the character in that series, so perhaps that explains how this is intended to work. Then again, maybe Marvel just loved what Luna did with the character previously, and are happy to have him come back in a slightly-modified version. You don't know.

Surely, further clarification will be forthcoming. Stay tuned for that, as well as for further updates on Marvel/Hulu's Ghost Rider series as they become available.
