Ana Lily Amirpour Is Remaking CLIFFHANGER With A Female Lead

AND a Jason Momoa cameo.

Here's some exceptionally interesting news: according to Deadline, uber-producer Neil Mortiz and director Ana Lily Amirpour (The Bad Batch, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night) will soon be headed to the Cannes marketplace with a female-led remake of 1993's Cliffhanger. You know, the one where Sly Stallone uses a stalactite to kill a guy. 

They've even put together a little promo image, just to sweeten the deal.

Apparently, Mortiz (best known for his work on the long-running Fast and The Furious franchise) has been trying to get a Cliffhanger remake off the ground for years, only to have a version finally come together with Amirpour directing and Sascha Penn (Creed II) writing the script. Beyond the fact that this version will have a leading lady in the Sly Stallone role, there's also mention of a Jason Momoa cameo. 

For those unfamiliar with the property: Renny Harlin's Cliffhanger found Sly Stallone's haunted outdoorsman squaring off against a group of criminals who've crash-landed an airplane in the Rocky Mountains, misplacing several cases containing millions of dollars in the process. Though Stallone's character is initially tricked into helping these crooks track down their missing loot, he soon turns the tables and whips their asses up and down the mountain. It's one of the best movies Stallone made in the '90s, features a few truly excellent set pieces (including a nail-biter of an opening sequence) and has John Lithgow playing the main bad guy. It's great. 

Anyway, gender-swapping the Stallone role is a fun twist, and it'll be really interesting to see what someone like Amirpour (most recently seen directing episodes of Castle Rock and the new Twilight Zone) does with an action movie of this size. Of course, it'll also need to find a home at the Cannes marketplace before we can start getting really excited, but...fingers crossed! 

Stay tuned for more on Ana Lily Amirpour's Cliffhanger remake as further updates roll in.
